Sunday, August 10, 2014

Social Media | Quick Update

Hey everyone!

This is not a beauty related post, just a quick update on my social media. 

As you all may know, I write this blog anonymously, meaning I haven't been able to share my social media links with you all. 

So I've created a Twitter account & and Instagram account so you can all be kept up to date with my blog, and you can get to know me a bit better. 

On Instagram, I will be posting daily, and posting previews of my upcoming blogs and other things that are blog related.
On Twitter, I will also be posting daily about the blog, and just thoughts that I would want to share with you all!

Feel free to follow me on..

If you do follow me, make sure you link your blog in the comments so that I can check it out!

I will be following back those who have a blog xx

Sorry for the random post, I just thought I'd let you all know! 

Thank you for reading, this is not my weekly post, I should have a new beauty post up either tomorrow or tuesday, if you want to see what that's going to be about then check my social media *hint-hint* :)

Have a great day, bye!xx


  1. Heey! Maddy, followed you on your social media instagram as Rebecca Maria Photography :)
    && I'm officially your 19th follower! Would love it if you could follow me back too! Looking forward to more amazing posts :)
    p.s. thanks for checking out my blog :)

    Rebecca | Blog

  2. Hey I don't have either or I'd follow you - sorry.

  3. I followed you on twitter, I don't tweet about my blog because I have friends that I haven't told about it who follow me so am apprehensive but feel free to follow me: @GoldenBairn on twitter


    1. Hiya I've made my twitter account private and made one for my blog with the same handle: @GoldenBairn (my private one has a different handle now) please go over and follow me :)

  4. hey sweety! thanks so much for commenting back & following my blog:)
    following you back via GFC now:)

    lots of love xx
    Nee from ROSECANDLE11


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I read & reply to all! xo